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Application for Court Interpreter Registration
Application for Court Interpreter Registration Instructions—Board Operating Procedures
This application will be considered pursuant to qualification criteria established in the Florida Rules for Certification and Regulation of Spoken Language Court Interpreters
. Please read the instructions carefully to avoid mistakes that can delay processing or result in the return of your application.
If you have any questions while completing this application, please contact Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program (CICRP) staff at (850) 922-5107, or via e-mail at interpreters@flcourts.gov.
Language - The language in which the applicant seeks registration or state-level designation. An application should be completed for each language the interpreter wishes to apply.
Name - Your name as it is printed on your application will appear on your materials confirming registration, in board records, and, if eligible, when achieving official state-level court interpreter designation. Therefore, you should be mindful of this when you fill out your application and consider how you would like your name to appear in official records. Be sure to note any applicable symbols or special characters. Only your name will be included on any applicable certificate(s) and identification badge; no degrees or licenses will be specified.
Contact Information - Provide your complete home, business address, or Post Office Box where you would like all business correspondence and work referrals to be sent. Include any telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses, if applicable. This information will be included on your registry profile that is accessible via the Internet.
Convictions - Indicate whether you have been convicted or have ever pled nolo contendere to a felony or first-degree misdemeanor and provide the requested details. Convictions may not necessarily bar you from registration or official designation, but you may be required to submit additional information prior to issuance of letters confirming registration or eligibility for official state-level designation.
Background Check - All applicants are required to undergo a comprehensive background check conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) before submitting an application for registration, and, as applicable, renewal of registration.
Steps to Court Interpreters Background Screening Process
1. Applicants must request authorization from the Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program (CICRP) to undergo a Level 2 background check for purposes of determining initial registration and/or renewal of registration.
► Click the following link to access the authorization form to request the CICRP’s Originating Agency Identification (ORI) number:
Level 2 Background Screening ORI Authorization Request Form
► Complete the ORI Request for Authorization form and submit via email to: CICRPbackgroundcheck@flcourts.gov.
► Upon successful review as to eligibility, CICRP staff will issue an ORI number and the applicant can proceed with the background check process.
2. Applicants are required to go to a Livescan Service Provider of their choosing to be fingerprinted. The list of providers throughout the state is found at:
This list should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation of one product or business over another by the board, the Office of the State Courts Administrator, or the Supreme Court of Florida, and does not imply any rating, ranking or certification of the products or businesses themselves. This list is provided for informational purposes only. As provider prices will vary, applicants may wish to compare vendor fee schedules to obtain the best price. For reference, in addition to the Livescan Service Providers listed in the link above, Livescan fingerprints may also be taken at your local law enforcement agencies (Police Department or Sheriff’s Office).
► The applicant must provide the Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program’s (CICRP) Originating Agency Identification (ORI) number to the local law enforcement agency or Livescan Service Provider so that the background screening results are sent directly from FDLE to the CICRP.
► The cost of the background check is approximately $50 to $75 per person, which includes the FDLE fee, and the cost charged by the Livescan provider to perform the fingerprinting. As previously noted, the cost may vary depending on the Livescan provider.
3. The CICRP will receive the background check results from FDLE within 3 days.
4. Court Interpreter registration applications will not be considered complete and processed until the results of the background screening have been received by the CICRP.
5. Per Board Operating Procedures, the applicant must submit their interpreter registration application within three months of being fingerprinted. Failure to do so will result in having to be re-fingerprinted at the applicant’s expense.
Registration and State-Level Designation Disqualifications - If a record is found which, in the judgment of the Court Interpreter Certification Board, is relevant to the performance and professional responsibilities of a court interpreter, this record may be grounds for rejection of the application. The following shall apply in determining the character required for initial and continued registration and state-level interpreter designation:
- An applicant for registration or renewal of registration and/or state-level interpreter designation who has been convicted of a felony shall not be eligible for registration or renewal of registration and/or designation until such person has received a restoration of civil rights.
- An applicant for registration or renewal of registration and/or state-level interpreter designation who is serving a sentence of felony probation shall not be eligible for registration or renewal of registration and/or designation until termination of the probation period and restoration of civil rights.
Other Qualifications - List any professional certifications and/or licensure that you have obtained. Examples include, but are not limited to: certification through the American Translators Association; the National Association of Judicial Interpreters; and The Florida Bar.
Fee Schedule - Applications cannot be processed unless the entire fee is received. Do not send cash. Make your cashier’s check or money order payable to the State of Florida. See Application for Court Interpreter Registration for current fee schedule. Note: Per rule 14.110(g), all fees are non-refundable.
Photo Identification (ID) Card - Only applicants eligible for official designation shall have a digital photo taken by designated staff in a local judicial circuit. The photographic image should be sent to CICRP staff via JPG format at interpreters@flcourts.gov upon written notification from program staff that official designation requirements have been met. The image will be used to prepare the Florida court interpreter designation identification card, which will be issued by the Court Interpreter Certification Board and shall be valid statewide.
Oral Performance Examination/Oral Proficiency Interview - Applicants who are already federally certified or have previously attained scores on the applicable oral testing measure sufficient for designation as certified, language skilled, or provisionally approved interpreters, must complete the applicable section on the registration application and enclose proof of qualifying scores. Upon written confirmation and successful processing of this application, the applicant may be designated as certified, language skilled, or provisionally approved and notified in writing.
Court Employed Interpreters - Applicants who are selected as employee interpreters, who are not certified at the time of court employment, shall become certified within one year of beginning employment in a court interpreting position, unless modified by the board, if necessary, only in exceptional circumstances. Court interpreters shall, prior to providing interpreter services, become registered with the Office of the State Courts Administrator.
Notary - Your application must be legally notarized pursuant to the applicable requirements of Chapter 117, Florida Statutes.
Mail - Your completed application, fee, courtroom observation hours reporting form
, and other accompanying documents (if any) should be mailed to:
Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program
Supreme Court Building
500 S. Duval Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1900
Processing - You will be notified via e-mail or regular postal mail upon receipt of your application packet. If all required materials, fees, and information are submitted with the completed application, estimated processing time is six weeks.
Revised: 03/28/2023
Application for Court Interpreter Registration Checklist:
- Applicant has attended the two-day orientation workshop within 3 years of applying for registration.
- Applicant has passed the written examination.
- Applicant submits Authorization Request Form - Level 2 Background Screening Originating Agency Identification (ORI)
to program staff via email to CICRPbackgroundcheck@flcourts.gov.
- Upon successful review as to eligibility, CICRP staff will issue an ORI number and the applicant can proceed with the background check process.
- Applicant submits Application for Court Interpreter Registration
and *Courtroom Observation Hour Reporting Form
within 3 months of completing background check.
*Courtroom Observation Hours may be completed at any point in the above process. The Courtroom Observation Reporting Form must be submitted with the Application for Court Interpreter Registration. If the Reporting Form is NOT received the application will be returned without processing.
Application for Court Interpreter Registration Forms:
- Authorization Request Form - Level 2 Background Screening Originating Agency Identification (ORI)
- Courtroom Observation Hours Reporting Form
- Application Instructions for Court Interpreter Registration - Printable
- Application for Court Interpreter Registration
Application for Court Interpreter Registration